How it works

Once you connect all of your tools with Hyperinbox, it can now receive any notifications and messages. At least once or twice a day, go through your Inbox to:

Let's dive deeper.

1. Reading notifications

All of your notifications will land on Hyperinbox. Instead of receiving them on the go (passive), with Hyperinbox, you can go through them when you're ready (active).


Every item in your inbox provides just enough context for you to understand the information and respond accordingly quickly. You can immediately know where the item is from by looking at the logo and the breadcrumb information that follows.

After you click an item in your inbox, you'll see the item in detail. In the middle of the screen, you'll see a section titled "Context." The Context section provides the context needed to understand what the notification is about.

For Slack, as an example, sometimes people keep sending messages in parts. Even if one of them is a thread, you still want to read all of the messages that came before and after the thread.

Reply to threads directly

Hyperinbox lets you reply to notifications directly in the app. Simply write your response, so your teammates know you're on it.